Wirral Evolutions

Enriching Lives of People with Disabilities & Maximising Potential #OneLifeLetsLiveIt


For Parents/Carers

At Wirral Evolutions we want to establish a strong partnership with our supporters.

At present we are refreshing the Parent/Carer groups within each of our locations, with the aim of better engaging with them and generating confidence and improving communication, as we work towards a more inclusive approach and service improvement.

Our Aims for Partnership Working:

As part of our Strategic Framework we will have strong partnerships that are aligned into our company vision, mission and values. 

We will have:

  • Key partnerships and stakeholders identified, engaged and embedded
  • Co-design and co-production embraced
  • A culture of working in partnership fostered
  • Significant relationships including family, friends and carers in place

News for Parents & Carers

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Day Services Co-Production Group

There are parent/carer reps on the Day Service Co-production Group and they will engage with the groups at the locations with their unique perspectives and this will provide opportunities where new ideas and good practice can grow and provide discussion at the overarching group.