COVID-19 Update 10th July
For the past twelve weeks we have been operating our redesigned services due to the COVID-19 Emergency. This includes:
- Telephone contact
- 'Floating Support' and short support visits
- Regular home support to give respite to carers
- A limited day service provisio at Pensby Wood
We have also embraced technology; utilising social media, Facebook, twitter, our website and other technology and apps to engage, support and connect with all our Wirral Evolutions family.
In mid-May the UK Government outlined its planned approach to ease the restrictions we have all faced recently. Wirral Evolutions has also begun to explore its recovery plan for the return to day services. The Government has provided a roadmap for organisations to plan the return to operating safely and ensure that we will: Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives
Wirral Evolutions Senior Leadership Team, Centre Managers and Operational teams are currently working with all key stakeholders to plan how we can operate and deliver a safe service at all our locations. We have recently written to parents and carers to outline what factors we are looking at before recommencing of services and are in regular telephone contact with people and families who access our services.
Safety is our priority before opening the doors of our locations and throughout this emergency we have and will continue to operate within Public Health, Local and National Government guidelines and should the circumstances require us to revert to stringent social isolation we will reimplement those measures immediately.
We know that the next few months will be challenging, but we are confident that we can find solutions to allow the people we support to access services that we know are being missed. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, enjoying are activities safely.
Keep safe, keep active, keep smiling
10 July 2020