Wirral Evolutions

Enriching Lives of People with Disabilities & Maximising Potential #OneLifeLetsLiveIt


COVID-19 Update 29th July

Website Covid19 Update

In our previous update we advised how we had adapted our services to the lockdown restrictions and we notified you that we were working towards reopening our servies whilst ensuring a safe service across our locations.

Our Strategic Leadership Team, Centre Managers and Operational Teams have been working hard with all key stakeholders to plan how we can operate and deliver a safe service. 

We have now written to our parents and carers to outline the work that we have done to advise in detail what actions we have taken and what are services will look like when we reopen. (This letter should reach you in the next couple of days, in the meantime you can contact the service your loved one attends for more information). You will also be contacted by your key worker if you have not already.

In the first stages of reopening our services, we will be delivering a service against the constraints of social distancing and how we can do so within the limitations of the physical space available at our locations. To achive this we are proposing to temporarily deliver our services by dividing our daily attendance in two and offering day services on an alternate week basis. 

Within these weekly cohorts, people we support will be asssigned to a 'designated bubble' to reduce contact with large groups of people, and therefore reduce risk.  

We are also exploring alternative options should social distancing continue as part of our everyday life for the foreseeable future. We anticipate being able to provide further update on these options and their progress by September 2020 or before.

We have reviewed all our activities and some will look a bit different than before, for example our large group activities such as bingo will be taking place with the use of technology. Some external activities will not be possible for the time being as they rely on transport or minibuses, however we will be looking to maximise local activities within walking distance of our locations.

Any social events that involve external visitors will be temporaily suspended, as we will be closed to all non-essential visitors to reduce risk to people we support.

We are currently finalising our plans and hope to be confirming reopening dates imminently. All of our locations will open on a phased basis (details to follow). 

We continue to operate within Public Health, Local and National Government guidelines and should the circumstances require us to revert to stringent social isolation we will reimplement those measures immediately. 

There has been a lot of information to digest in the last month, so as always you can contact us with any concerns. You can also speak yo your key worker who will be in contact with you to discuss plans as we move forward. In addition parents and carers can contact us with your questions by email via parentandcarers@wirralevolutions.org 

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, enjoying are activities safely.

Keep safe, keep active, keep smiling

29 July 2020








29 July 2020