WE Matter - Issue 3
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Welcome to our newsletter round up of things happening across our services.
Even though we have launched our new email updates at a difficult time for us all, we hope that it will help you feel connected to the Wirral Evolutions community.
Even though we have launched our new email updates at a difficult time for us all, we hope that it will help you feel connected to the Wirral Evolutions community.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak the majority of our services are currently closed. There is emergency provision in place for a number of people we support and we are keeping in touch with anyone who normally attends our service.
Updates can be found on our website and via our twitter and Facebook accounts
Our Corporate Services office in Wallasey is currently closed but we have two temporary numbers you can contact while the office is closed:
Our Speak Up Be Heard group had their first meeting since the lockdown began with the help of Zoom.
The group really enjoyed seeing each other again and will be arranging further meetings on Zoom whilst lockdown continues.
While we couldn't mark the occasion together, many of our workforce and people we support celebrated VE Day at home and shared their celebrations with us via our Facebook Community Group. 
The latest updates and advice from Wirral Council following the the Prime Minister's latests announcements can be found here.
A new dedicated app for the adult social care workforce in England has been launched to support staff through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The app will be available to download from on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, as well as being accessible online at https://workforce.adultsocialcare.uk.
Updates can be found on our website and via our twitter and Facebook accounts
Our Corporate Services office in Wallasey is currently closed but we have two temporary numbers you can contact while the office is closed:
Speak Up Be Heard
Our Speak Up Be Heard group had their first meeting since the lockdown began with the help of Zoom.
The group really enjoyed seeing each other again and will be arranging further meetings on Zoom whilst lockdown continues.
Speak Up Be Heard is a pioneering group for people we support to have their voice heard with advocacy support from Together All Are Able.
VE Day Celebrations
While we couldn't mark the occasion together, many of our workforce and people we support celebrated VE Day at home and shared their celebrations with us via our Facebook Community Group.

Latest Coronavirus Updates from Wirral Council
The latest updates and advice from Wirral Council following the the Prime Minister's latests announcements can be found here.

Dedicated App for Social Care Workers Launched
A new dedicated app for the adult social care workforce in England has been launched to support staff through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The app will be available to download from on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, as well as being accessible online at https://workforce.adultsocialcare.uk.
International Nurses Day
Tuesday was International Nurses Day 2020, a day to celebrate nurses all across the world – which this year has even greater significance falling as it does during the coronavirus pandemic.
The day was chosen because it was the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is regarded as the founder of modern nursing – and this week marks 200 years since her birth.

Useful Contacts
Citizens Advice (Wirral)
Delivering information & advice to Wirral Residents
0300 33 00 111
Citizens Advice (National Number): 03444 111 444
Family Safety Unit
If you need help to deal with domestic abuse or violence you can contact the Family Safety Unit, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
0151 666 4914
NHS Trust Helpline for Mental Health Emergency Number
24/7 mental health helpline for urgent support, for residents of Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Wirral
0300 303 3972
Whatever you are going through, Samaritans offer free and confidential 24/7 support
116 123
Wirral Change
A Black and Racial Minorities Outreach Service offering information, advice and guidance & signposting to other services for racial minority people on the Wirral
0151 649 8177
Wirral Coronavirus Helpline
A central helpline to help Wirral Residents during the COVID19 outbreak
0151 666 5050
Wirral Council Tax
If you are struggling to pay your bill
0151 606 2002
Wirral Food Bank
Emergency food for local people in crisis
0151 638 7090
Wirral Mind
Mind provides support directly to people struggling with their mental health
0151 512 2200
Delivering information & advice to Wirral Residents
0300 33 00 111
Citizens Advice (National Number): 03444 111 444
Family Safety Unit
If you need help to deal with domestic abuse or violence you can contact the Family Safety Unit, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
0151 666 4914
NHS Trust Helpline for Mental Health Emergency Number
24/7 mental health helpline for urgent support, for residents of Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Wirral
0300 303 3972
Whatever you are going through, Samaritans offer free and confidential 24/7 support
116 123
Wirral Change
A Black and Racial Minorities Outreach Service offering information, advice and guidance & signposting to other services for racial minority people on the Wirral
0151 649 8177
Wirral Coronavirus Helpline
A central helpline to help Wirral Residents during the COVID19 outbreak
0151 666 5050
Wirral Council Tax
If you are struggling to pay your bill
0151 606 2002
Wirral Food Bank
Emergency food for local people in crisis
0151 638 7090
Wirral Mind
Mind provides support directly to people struggling with their mental health
0151 512 2200
14 May 2020