Wirral Evolutions

Enriching Lives of People with Disabilities & Maximising Potential #OneLifeLetsLiveIt


Oakenholt Joins Co-Op Local Community Fund


This year the Oakenholt Day Centre aims to help grow the skills and experience of the people we support; they plan to do this by teaching them independent cooking techniques- to give them more confidence with cooking in their own homes- and to serve afternoon teas to the local community at their cafe, the 'Pink Pinnie', in the hopes of promoting social inclusion and helping them develop more life skills.

To aid this program, they have joined the Co-Op's Local Community Fund, where two pence from every pound consumers spend on the Co-Op's products is divided up between local causes and organisations that the Co-Op supports. Members of the Co-Op can then decide periodically which of the good causes their money spent goes to.

So far there's already been £306 raised for the Day Centre, but Oakenholt are hoping to get much higher than that.

Follow this link to find out how to join in.

11 May 2022