COVID-19 Update 22nd April
We find ourselves in unprecedented times. All of us our feeling a little more anxious about the unfolding events across our Country and the World. Everyone is affected by this crisis.
The people we work every day, providing support are affected significantly; although we are all facing severe restrictions to our daily life at the moment we know for them it will be at least June before they can return to what was their everyday lives. This is also the case for some of our friends and colleagues. We have all worked hard at thinking of ways in which we can continue to support them and each other during the next few months.
In response to this challenging situation, we took the early decision to redesign our service for twelve weeks, effective from week commencing 23rd March 2020. Our redesigned services are based on prioritisation of need, your ideas, and our dedication to the people we support.
They include:
- Keep in touch telephone calls for people we support, families and carers, who can safely make their own arrangements to self-isolate at home without additional support from alternative care services
- One off 'floating support/short visits' to assist with specific identified needs e.g. shopping, accidents, parent/carer has an appointment they can't rearrange
- Planned/regular home support for up to 2 hours to give parent/carers respite and opportunity to complete daily living tasks
- Day centre attendance at Pensby Wood for people we support, that cannot be provided by floating support, with a maximum of 3 days, in accordance with social distancing measures and PPE
- Digital technologyto connect through Facebook, twitter and YouTube
- Mental Health Advisors dedicated to supporting the workforce when needed
- Support for partner providers including Options for Supported Living and Haven Care who have experienced their own difficulties
The work we do plays a massive part in the lives of the people we support and in the wellbeing of them and their parents / carers – this has been positively recognised and rightly so, by many. Below is a snapshot.
‘You are all proving everyday what a great provider Wirral Evolutions is, thanks to you and our staff’ (Parent/Carer)
When we telephoned “Pis going to be very busy making and building model warships and planes “
(Person we support)
‘WE’s response with a service redesign and outreach support for people and their families who use WE is highly valued by WHCC’. Thanks again to you and your team for managing this so proactively’
(Wirral Health Care & Commissioning Team)
The next few months are going to be tough for us all, our new mantra is “Todays chaos will be tomorrow’s routine” we will get there together.
I would like to personally thank all the staff at Wirral Evolutions for their continued hard work, positivity and support through these difficult times.
We will continue to use our website and social media to regularly post updates and useful information and tools to keep our spirits high.
Keep safe, keep active and keep smiling!
Managing Director
22 April 2020